Monday, May 19, 2014

What up?
Looking forward to our next meeting!
Where and when is it?

I'm looking for a new metal shop!
I'm also looking for a room to rent! Me and my awesome little dog!
If y'all hear of any spaces lemme know!
My # 541-778-2226

My band Los Estupidos is playing the Alberta Street Pub Saturday May 31 9pm, it's free! It's a latino soul funk cumbia, afro beat.. It's a kooky dance band! Some really great jazz players! I'm more of a rocker but it seems to work!

Antisipating getting a check soon to start my next big commission for the guy with the castle up on German town road! I've got some festival art installations I'm very excited about this summer! Oregon Country Fair, WTF?! (What the Festival), and the Center Camp Cafe at Burning Man!

Hope you all are well!
Let's get together soon!



  1. Sweet David, sounds like some good stuff going on... I will keep an ear to the ground about places. Frank should have a good take on that actually... I know a few of us just finished our submissions for ShowPDX, I will post my entry to share - the other guys should throw there's up as well. The deadline was moved until May 29th, so if you had something in the works you have some more time.

    1. Thanks ED! I'll take another look at ShowPDX, see if I can put something together.

  2. Hey David,
    Sorry that you have to get a new place, your location was great! I was looking for a while, but out on the west side of town, never happened. I did here of one group of creative individuals that have space, "Foster Row." Craig's list is my go to for places. I am also looking for a new place to reside as well.
    As for hosting the next meeting, I am soooo incredibly busy right now. I am beginning my heavy season, and my shop is now doing as much business per month as it did in its first quarter, so I can't host for now.... I can meet up somewhere though, I still like the idea of a drink and draw....


    1. Thanks Frank! My buddy who's shop I've been in is moving in a different direction with his work, more structural steel. I'll keep my eyes out for a living place for you too,. I'm down with a drink and draw, that sounds fun! Fantastic news about your shop! Rock on!


  3. We're no longer playing the Alberta Street Pub May 31st. They double booked the gig. I'll keep y'all posted about our next one.

